Friday, June 20, 2008

Baseball and haircuts

Okay so I am a bad, bad blogger...I know it has been a while, and I am so sorry. It won't happen again (ok maybe it will). My life has been consumed with all of the end of the school year beginning of summer things. Slide shows, baseball, end of the year parties, haircuts and tons of other things not worth mentioning. So I am back from my hiatus. Baseball (or tee ball rather) is in full swing and super adorable! One of my little turkeys got a haircut...I guess it was a little hoo. He is still the cutest 4 year old I know!

Friday, June 6, 2008

The Circus

We went to the circus (the kids first time) and had so much fun together! The boys loved it, and we loved watching their faces light up. I am so lucky to be their mom. I have the best family ever! Here are some of the pictures from our fun day...
Elijah was practicing his feather balancing skills.Mikiah was just in it for the food.