Are you winking at me?!

All God's Creatures is owned by a really neat lady (Lori) who has tons & tons of animals. She rescues wild animals, and takes in any animal that needs a home (or she will help find it one). She uses her business to glorify God...all of her animals have a story or a scripture that go with them. She has the BEST petting zoo (okay, I confess she did the petting zoo for both of my kids first birthdays so I
guess that makes me a little biased). My kids got to come with me and they had a great time torturing the animals...not really torturing just chasing, picking up, shoving food in their faces, normal boy stuff. When I was trying to get a picture of this frog I got up really close to it. Of course it jumped at me and burped or belched...whatever frogs do and I freaked out. My kids thought it was the funniest thing. Anyway this was so much fun, and we have not even scratched the surface of how many animals she has. We are going to try to get a couple new animals every week so check back for new pics! If you want to check her out (& I totally suggest you do) you can do so at It is AWESOME!!!!!

barn owl

bearded dragon